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How to obtain a valid and correct FAD signatura?

To start with the FAD SIGNATURE process you need to follow these steps on your Android or IOS cell pone

Android: It is important to configure the location, microphone and active camera.

Play the following video to guide you:

IOS (Iphone): It is important to configure the location, microphone, active camera, and Safari settings.

Play the following video to guide you:


For your FAD signature to be valid, the following recommendations must be considered:

1. Compare the signatures, it should be similar to the one on your INE (National Electoral Institute ID), FN, or passport

2. In the video confirmation, it is necessary for you to meet these simple requirements:

  • A visible and complete face
  • Good lighting
  • No face mask
  • No headphones
  • No hats
  • No sunglasses


* In general, nothing that impedes the clear view of your face.

3. Make sure the reading of the statement is clear and loud. You can practice it out loud before recording to ensure it comes out correctly (In spanish):

“Bajo protesta de decir verdad, declaro que yo (el nombre de quien firma) he leído y comprendido los términos y condiciones del presente contrato de adhesión con Tu Casa Express por lo que lo suscribo voluntariamente en esta fecha.”

4. At the end of the process, it’s necessary for your advisor and the branch coordinator to sign off before proceeding with this important step.


* If the above conditions are not met, the Administrative Branch Coordinator (CAS) must request the cancellation of the FAD signature. (Maximum of 3 cancellations).